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Book Your Clarity Session Today!

Mental Healing, Mental Strength, & Mindset Maintenance for New & Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Creatives, Visionaries, Go-Getters, Risk-Takers, Inventors, Pioneers, Trailblazers, Path-finders, Change Agents, 3-AM'ers, Manifestors, & People Who Can Hear That Silent Voice Say, "You Are More Than What You Have Become!"
Kym P Jones Clarity Session Client picThank you Dr. Toni for helping me to prepare for one of the greatest opportunities of my life! I recently was invited to promote my business during a radio interview. It is literally an opportunity of a lifetime for any new business. As a conversationalist, I thrive but as a public speaker I am not as confident. Dr. Toni was highly recommended to me originally as a biographer. It was not until I was directed to set my appointment through the website, that I learned how many other services are available to an aspiring entrepreneur (…who has been happily converted to the tribe of Attractive Thinkers!) I scheduled my first free consultation and I was immediately blown away at how well Dr. Toni was able to help me to identify where I was and to help me formulate into words my next best move. BRILLIANT! As the conversation flowed, I flowed, we flowed. My creative energy was stimulated by the questions and how well this like-minded professional skillfully detailed how my interview preparation should be managed, prepared, rehearsed, and performed. The original objective to develop a biography for the radio announcement was fulfilled, but I received so much more! I learned more about myself and how I want to personify my business to my clients and to the world. This meeting was the preview to many more coaching sessions, for more goal setting, fear-conquering, and Attractive Thinking. Many thanks, Dr. Toni! … until we meet again!

~Attractive Thinker K. P. Jones
KPatrice Financial, LLC

This life-altering Clarity Session is for you if
you are stuck and need direction, depressed and tired of the mental battle, frustrated because you know that you can do better than this, can't make sense of your thoughts, don't know where to start building your creative ideas, or you're tired of feeling like you could do more and go further in your life, yet you don't know how to do it! I'm assuming you clicked the link and landed on this page because you have a lot of ideas that you'd like to create and you're tired of talking about it and not doing anything about who you really are, what you're really called to do, and how you really want to live your life! This is your defining moment!  ... after this session, you'll have clarity, pick up speed, start taking action, and see real results in your life!

Great Day, Attractive Thinker! 
Congratulations on having the courage to invest in your next level of living!  As an Identity Coach, Get-to-the-Root Specialist, and Vision Expert, I see a common thread among people with dreams. They get inspired to create a better life for themselves. They feel like they are finally going to finish writing that book. They get excited "about the idea" of creating a business that supports the life that they desire to experience. Then, before the week is out, they lose momentum, talk themselves out of the very things that they desire, and slip back into the boring, mundane, mediocre routine of life! They continue throughout the rest of their lives, starting and stopping, and starting and stopping!  ... dreaming about the dream instead of having the courage to live the dream! There are 2 types of support that people with vision (Attractive Thinkers) need consistently in their lives:  support from a coach and support from a positive circle of influence! With these two supports in place, they go further/faster! Gone are the days of being the "lone ranger", bouncing your ideas off of an old mindset, struggling to find solutions, and constantly defending your visions, dreams, and goals with people who have no visions, no dreams, and no goals!

You need the Vision Expert! ... totally different from a coach!  Dr. Toni Hatton shines the light in darkness to support you in bringing your vision into focus, so that you can see the details clearly! Once the vision is in focus, it's easier to create a plan of action, and know which steps to take next!

Did you know that research says that 92% of people who set New Year's Eve goals never get around to accomplishing them? Wow!


"Register Today and Get Clarity!

(Upon registration, click the confirmation link in your email.  Then you'll receive another email with your next steps.  
Check your spam folder if you cannot locate it.)

Sunshine King

Good evening,

I have been writing my story for the past six years. Dissecting my story during The Attractive Thinker Private Coaching Program actually brought it back to life!  Dr. Toni, thank you for helping me to get to a place where I can be at peace with my book and for helping me to get unstuck in certain areas. Your insight helped me to visualize my story in another way which would be helpful to my readers. You have given me some really good resources that I can utilize as I finish writing my book and I appreciate your time in working with me. Thank you for the extra homework to help me to engage more deeply with my book and my audience! The Attractive Thinker Private Coaching Sessions helped me to understand my target audience better because as I shared my story on paper I wasn't specific about my target audience. Although I’ve shared my story before, it's different when I'm speaking in front of hundreds of people versus on paper.  So, that helped me to stay focused on the specific needs of my target audience! It was such a pleasure working with you Dr. Toni!  Thank you for your time and support!
  ~Sunshine King
Wellness Practitioner
and Entertainment Coach

I know you're tired Attractive Thinker and you're ready for your change!  You are full! You hear a voice from deep within telling you that there is more to the life that you are living than what you are experiencing right now!  You've carried these visions, dreams, and goals for years and now you're at a point in your life whereas it's now or never!  You're still not sure where to begin or how it's going to happen but you know that you must do something or things will never change.  Attractive Thinker, trust me, I totally understand where you are!  You're seeking clarity. You feel overwhelmed.  You're trying to start several projects all at once and nothing is getting done.  Everytime you share your vision with your circle of family/friends, you end up defending your vision versus developing your vision.  You feel all over the place and struggle to get organized.  You feel like you've wasted a lot of time and you don't want to waste anymore time, procrastinating, hesitating, and tip toeing around your dreams!

You may be in transition and not sure how to build a new life after you've lived the current lifestyle for so long!  
You may have felt out of place, but didn't have the courage to make that move and create a life that has more meaning to you!  You may have even decided that you are the one that is going to change some generational patterns in your bloodline, but you have no clue as to where to start!  Sounds like you've decided not to live a mediocre life and I celebrate you for that!

Your change has come!

Dr. Toni, I am glad that I made that phone call to your office!  
My life has changed dramatically!  I can see more clearly now!  I once was blind, but now I see!  Your life's work is making my life better!  I'm not stuck anymore!  I have a bigger sense of purpose.  I'm glad that I did not change that station on the radio when you were hosting The Attractive Thinker Radio Program!  I had all of the pieces to the puzzle, but they were all scattered.  The pieces aren't scattered anymore!  I now have clarity!  My whole life has been changed by investing in myself through The Attractive Thinker Coaching Programs!

~Shenika Darden

As a result of investing in a Clarity Session, Attractive Thinkers are shifting from repetitive goals to repeated success!They are shifting their perceptions and creating new realities!  Most people hear the words that they say, I have a tendency to "see" the words that they are saying. When the vision is not clear, people do not pursue! Think about that. What you cannot see, you will not pursue! When you ask most people what goals they are working towards, what they desire to accomplish with their lives, or when they are going to reach their goals, they have no real expectation. It's easy to get stuck in the pursuit of your goals instead of expecting to actually manifest those goals. 
Another underlying thread that I recognize is that most people with vision, experience sabotage when it comes down to their health and wellness. If you wake up in the morning with a nagging headache, no energy, and confused about which pill to take, the purple one or the blue one, the dreams, ideas, and desires are placed on the back burner! Vision and wellness go together like faith and works, one without the other is dead!

I must warn you! ... and this is no joke!  Your life is about to change!
... and become unrecognizable!

When you invest in yourself through The Attractive Thinker Clarity Session, get ready for your life to change! Don't think that this is one of those programs whereas you'll just go through the motions and see no results! You're going to receive real, life-altering information and some powerful Attractive Thinker tools to give you no excuse for not implementing and advancing your life and business!

This is NOT for you if...

If you are ready to multiply your time, energy, and effort and become the first in your generation to shift the way it's always been done and carve a new path of contributions, accomplishments, clarity, direction, meaning, fulfillment, adventure, excitement, new beliefs, and experiences for your current and future generations to come, then this is for you!

You see, Attractive Thinker, you and your vision are one! ... inseparable! Your vision is only going to grow to the extent that you grow. If your vision is not growing, neither are you and if you aren't growing neither is your vision. You are the change agent in your life! If you don't move, nothing moves! Have you ever thought about that? You are the creator of your world. We are all in the process of creating our world in the midst of this great, big world that we live in. When the vision is not clear, we struggle to create. This results in hesitation, procrastination, depression, frustration, and the list continues. 
You're reading this page because deep inside of your heart, you know that something is not right and it shouldn't take this long to accomplish anything in your life. You're still reading this page because you are uneasy, pacing the floor at night, trying to figure it out. Alot of people know that something has to change, yet they are not sure what or how to bring about that change. They have a lot of ideas, yet lack an idea on how to manifest them. They know they were created for so much more, yet are not sure how to get it all started.  

"Register Today and Expedite Your Own Process by Clicking Below!"

(Upon registration, click the confirmation link in your email.  Then you'll receive an email with your next steps.  
Check your spam folder if you cannot locate it.)

It's Time to Shift Your Perception and Create a New Reality!!

If you're still reading this page, Attractive Thinker, something inside of you has made a connection. Something is telling you that you must take the next step! Something is telling you that this is right for you! In order for your vision to grow, it must be planted in RICH soil.  Most people get inspired, motivated, and enlightened about their possibilities and they share them with their circle of influence and get little to no support in making them their reality. Instead of developing their vision, they now have to defend their vision. This causes an energy leak.  Afterwhile, not only does your circle of influence not believe in your vision, YOU struggle to believe in it yourself.  "Maybe this is not for me. No one in my family has ever done this before. Maybe I should just be like everyone else and be satisfied with that." These are some of the thoughts that result from a lack of support. When you are not supported, don't have the right information, and struggle for years to accomplish the same goals, it weighs on your self-esteem and you can begin to feel like a failure! With support, Attractive Thinker, you can go further, faster! Certain ideas will only come to your mind when you are around RICH-MINDED people!  It takes mental tools to develop mental muscles in order to have the mental fortitude to hold onto and manifest your vision!  It's time to create a legacy that you can "live" and "leave" for your children's, children's children!!

During Your Clarity Session You'll Receive ...

It is well documented that when you invest in yourself with a Coach (Vision Expert), you accomplish more and go further/faster in your life and in your business!

Attractive Thinker Results...

photo TammyDent_zps5835b915.jpg

Before I attended the From Sight to Vision Mastermind Experience,   I never thought that I needed a coach! I now "see" how that's an important part of my journey! The experience is uplifting, informative, and very much needed in our communities!

                                                                                    ~Tammy Dent

Vision is The Ability to See Beyond What You Are
Looking At!!!

Michael Bissett

Dr. Toni Hatton was a Guest Speaker on The Extraordinary Life, Business, and Success Summit and offered a complimentary customized Coaching Session to everyone on the call! Before I met Dr.Toni, I was a do-it-yourself kind of person and hadn't really appreciated the value of a coach. After my session with Dr. Toni, I felt a lot better about my business! I had a better perspective on things, like knowing who my potential clients were, how to create a business name, and how to develop the proper mindset as an entrepreneur!  If you're a business owner, struggling with establishing your vision for your business, or you feel lost and in a fog like I was, I would highly recommend talking with Dr. Toni. If you're skeptical about coaches, don't be. The insight that a coach like Dr.Toni can provide could make quite a difference in how you go about your business. I know that it did for me! :)                                                                            

~Michael Bissett

Dr. Toni, I was rushing to get to the From Sight to Vision Master "Your" Mind Live Experience!  I'm so grateful I made it.  I was speechless!  You gave me an idea that I hadn't thought of.  I am filled!

~Deborah Phillips

Thank you Dr. Toni!  Ever since I heard you speak at the conference, my life has not been the same!  Everything you said, resonated deeply with me.  My mindset is changing daily!  My vision is becoming more clear.  After attending the From Sight to Vision Master "Your" Mind Experience, my energy is off the chain!

~Carolyn Jett

Dr. Toni you are really giving 2 hours of power!  My blood is rushing through my veins as truth and wisdom are being spoken!  Your voice has a break-the-chain healing power! 

~Tichet Bradshaw

Prior to my Private Coaching Session with Dr. Toni Hatton I felt as if I was teetering on the edge of another depressive episode. I had just been notified that I was not accepted for a really awesome career development program that I had spent the last 2 and a half months applying and hoping for.  I did not know where else to go, what else to do. I've always known I was meant for great things, but it seemed like I was stopped and stomped at every opportunity. If I could not get in here, who else would want me? Would I really have to settle for and do those horrible minimum wage or desk jobs that make me feel like I was killing myself internally? Would I have to once again delay my goals for who knows how long? I was disappointed in myself.  Twenty-one years old, but not in college or working, what does that say about me? My family cannot afford to have me doing nothing.  How can I help them from this position of powerlessness? What do I do?  As a result of my session with Dr. Toni I noticed, that even though I was extremely nervous and felt like I wasn't making much sense, that things were already looking up... I began to realize how solvable these problems were.  She helped me to see my own past progress from a more objective perspective that uncovered a trend, a theme in my life. This theme was one of action, one of learning, growing, and doing. of thinking differently with more purpose than I gave myself credit for.  Dr. Toni's guidance helped to uncover some opportunities I'd missed along the way, but that are still available to me. This guidance also applied focus to my vision and my ambitions.  I strengthened my wavering purpose, my confidence, and my resolve! I highly recommend that you call Dr. Toni Hatton because she will help you to shift your perspective and discover your Major Definite of Purpose. Whether you’ve lost it, never found it, or simply need to refocus a bit, Dr. Toni can and will help you!  Just as importantly, she will supply you with the proper Attractive Thinker Tools and actionable steps necessary, based on your own means and circumstances, to achieve that vision and live towards that Major Definite of Purpose.  Dr. Toni Hatton will help you to see the characteristics and empowering tools of an Attractive Thinker within yourself. Take action, Attractive Thinkers! You are here for a reason!

~Elijah Claude

Before my Private Coaching Session with Dr. Toni, I was so deeply depressed that I felt crucified!  I wasn't thinking about killing myself, I was going to kill myself point blank!!  I only called Dr. Toni to express my love for a few people before I did it!  I am a very private person so talking to others about my situation was not an option for me.  Immediately when I arrived on the call, Dr. Toni listened intently to the tone in which I was speaking and she recognized that I was in a crisis!  She immediately thanked me for having the courage to reach out!  It threw me off guard as she proved to discover my deeper concerns!  She asked a lot of relevant questions which made me feel like I had finally found someone who was not only interested, but had answers for me that would fix my situation with absolute accuracy! I cannot narrow this down to a specific group of people, however, I can say that I would highly recommend this uniquely, customized Private Coaching Program to any person who is capable of believing!  They will definitely believe again, after speaking with Dr. Toni!  She is an expert at what she does! God has blessed her with a special gift to look into someone's spirit by listening to their thoughts and feelings! As many problems as I thought that I had, that's how many solutions that I received during this session! I am so fired up!!

(Due to the nature of this transformation, this Attractive Thinker is left anonymous!)

As a result of investing in themselves, Attractive Thinkers have this to say:

"Thank you Dr. Toni!  I now have a roadmap!"
"You stirred some stuff up in me!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!  This Clarity Session was focused, on point, and defifinitely gave me clarity and a lot of value for my Multi-Level Marketing Business!"
"Dr. Toni, this Attractive Thinker Movement helps me to believe past the fog!"
"Wow!  I see now that I can really run a business!"
"Dr. Toni, I never had a person with whom I could speak my truth with full transparency and they understand!  ... not only understand, but also have REAL SOLUTIONS!  Wow! I'm not just scared, I'm EXCITED at the SAME time!"
"Dr. Toni, you pour into our lives from another realm and I really needed that THING inside of me to be TOUCHED!"
"During our first session, something TOUCHED me... and I had to ask God, "What just happened!""

True Freedom is the Ability to Choose!
How Do You Want to Live the Rest of Your Life?

Attractive Thinker, are you ready to...

  • get unstuck?
  • break free from the things that are holding you back from playing a BIGGER GAME in your life?
  • accomplish the goals that you've have for years?
  • finally resolve those New Years Resolutions?
  • create the life that you know you deserve?
  • take action?
  • be happy?
  • be BOLD?
  • have confidence?
  • help yourself just like you've helped others?
  • take back control over your own life?
  • get over the childhood stories that you tell yourself?
  • get organized?
  • be accountable for what you say you're going to create?
  • add value to the lives of others with your unique vision?
  • create a new way of living for your family?
  • align your vision with your wellness?
  • stop talking yourself into and out of the things that you desire?

"Register Today and Expedite Your Own Process by
Clicking the Button Below!"  

(Upon registration, click the confirmation link in your email.  Then you'll receive an email with your next steps.
Check your spam folder if you cannot locate it.)


"My life's work is to make your life better!  Remember, it's not what you're going through, but how you're viewing it!"  ~Think Attractively!

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Dr. Toni Hatton/Identity Coach/Get-to-the-Root Specialist      Copyright 2014       The Attractive Thinker, LLC